VillageFest 2015
Thanks to everybody who made it out to VillageFest this year. It has taken a bit of time to collect photos from our attendees and performers, but here is what we’ve got. We really couldn’t have gotten a better day for an outdoor concert and all of our young performers did a wonderful job. As well, over $3,000 dollars was raised by Lily, Evan, and Dylan which will be donated in full to Camp Twin Lakes and Canine Assistants. Naturally, appreciation is also due our business sponsors: ESI, Planet Beach, Village Burger, Rita’s, and C2 Education. If you get the chance, please support these businesses. They believed enough in the spirit and cause around VillageFest to make generous financial donations, which will all go to help a lot of kids with serious challenges. There were countless people whose donation of time and effort made VillageFest 2015 a possibility, something for which I am personally grateful. It was truly a community event!
Also. . . I know that he will totally give me flack for this, but Tim Abernathy designed the posters that we were selling to raise funds at the concert. He is a good friend of mine and an imaginative artist as well. . . oh, and a cantankerous Scotsman . . . I know that calling a Scotsman cantankerous is superfluous, but adjectives are just too cool to resist sometimes.